Capitol Dome in the Fall


Mayor Bagwell’s State of the City Address

The Mayor will present the State of the City at a luncheon at the Casino Fandango on February 13th


Thursday, February 13th

Come hear the newly re-elected Mayor Lori Bagwell talk about what she hopes to accomplish in her next and final four years as Carson City Mayor. She has been on the forefront of change for the past 10 years, serving first on the Board of Supervisors and now is in her second term as Mayor. She will outline what has been accomplished by the Board and City Staff to give us our unique “Sense of Place.”  Southwest Gas is graciously sponsoring this event. All businesses should be in attendance. Casino Fandango – 11:30am-1pm. 

Ticket sales have ended. 

***No Refunds within 48 hours of the event***