Capitol Dome in the Fall

Our Membership

Eagle Valley Children’s Home

Donna Clarke
phone: 775-882-1188

2300 Eagle Valley Ranch Rd.
Carson City NV, 89703
Health Care/Developmental Disability

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Key Learning Concepts LLC

Tamara D Moore
phone: 775-323-7000

PO BOX 61028
Reno NV, 89506
Health Care: Developmental Disabilities

North Bay Industries

Robert Hutt, President/CEO
phone: 707-585-1991
fax: 707-585-1899

715 Industrial Park Drive
Carson City NV, 89701
North Bay Industries (NBI), incorporated as North Bay Rehabilitation Services, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt California non-profit public benefit corporation, headquartered in Rohnert Park CA. NBI has provided vocational rehabilitation services, training and employment for the disabled community since its founding in 1968. We employ over 160 adults with disabilities. In addition, NBI manages four housing facilities for adults with disabilities and operates an activity center serving 40-50 clients daily.

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